Lush Lashes

I’m so happy you’re here!:) My name is Alexis Snyder, I’m a master lash artist, and studio owner of Lush Lashes. I started in the industry in 2018 and provided a range of different treatments to women and, over time, I found my Love for for eyelash extensions. As my passion grew stronger for the aesthetics industry, I knew I wanted something more. On my 5th year, I made the push to start up my own business. Lush lashes was created! I’ve always been a girly girl since I was little, in middle school I discovered makeup, I loved putting it on every morning, and how it made me feel. I thought I would start everyday of my life this way, creating my beauty. This didn’t change until I was introduced to the lash extension world. What a difference it made to roll out of bed in the morning and see myself the way I always hoped that I would. I still love doing my makeup, but now my relationship with it is much different. I view it as an art, an addition to myself, but not what makes me beautiful. Lash extensions have boosted my confidence immensely and helping others to see their own inner beauty through lashes is truly amazing. I absolutely love what I do and strive to be better at my craft every single day.

Business Hours

9 AM - 8 PM
12 PM - 8 PM
9 AM - 8 PM
9 AM - 4 PM

Cancellation Policy

We get it that sometimes things come up and you may need to cancel. If you are unable to make the appointment, please kindly notify Lush Lashes at 8143319102 or as soon as possible to reschedule.